Security and preparedness were highlighted

Artificial intelligence – the term that sparked a lot of debate in the security sector in 2023. Like many other data-driven organisations, Hansel has long exploited the various possibilities offered by AI, but what was new in 2023 was the breakthrough of generative AI and the possibility to allow all employees to utilise AI.

In the spring, Hansel’s security group launched a discussion on the utilisation of AI, the potential risks and the need to develop policies for its use. AI was discussed at meetings, in the coffee room, on Teams and in an internal workshop on the topic. The consensus was that Hansel wanted to encourage its employees to use AI solutions safely.

“Hansel wants to encourage its employees to use AI solutions safely.”

With digital services, the security team prepared instructions on how AI can and should be utilised in Hansel. With these common rules, we can safely adopt new tools and approaches while looking forward to seeing what new opportunities this path will open for us.

The changed security situation in general makes anticipation and risk management even more important. The need to ensure that we will also be able to respond to rapidly changing situations in future made the comprehensive development of risk management one of the priorities of our security efforts. Risk management is now carried out at several levels of our organisation, and we believe that systematic risk management will keep us up to date.


Preparedness in Hansel’s operations

Hansel ensures the continuity of its own operations in the event of disruptions and ensures preparedness in its joint procurement in collaboration with the customers.

In procurement, preparedness is proactive and based on risk assessments. We set out appropriate preparedness requirements and contractual terms for tendering to ensure that services and supplies based on joint procurement would be available with as little disruptions as possible under all circumstances. During the contract period, continuity management measures are monitored as part of supplier collaboration and the monitoring of sustainability.

In 2023, Hansel implemented a preparedness development project. A criticality classification scheme and measures based on it were introduced in joint procurement. We have also further developed the continuity management of our business in terms of our digital services in particular.


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