Our vision is to be our customers’ preferred procurement partner and a strong supporter of our customers at all stages of the procurement lifecycle. During the year, we were engaged in persistent development to improve our services.
Managing Director’s review
The Finnish Government strongly emphasises the need for cost savings, presenting joint procurement as one of the ways to achieve them. As the only central contracting entity serving the entire public administration, it is natural that we are heavily involved in these efforts.
Key indicators
Our growth strategy guides our operations, which was also reflected in our key performance indicators for 2023: the use of joint procurement already reached almost EUR 1.6 billion, and the number of personnel increased to 132.
Hansel – central contracting authority for the public administration
Hansel is a non-profit limited liability company that aims to generate savings for public administration through efficient procurement operations. Our business is divided into three areas: joint procurement, tendering services and procurement development services.
Growth strategy
Growth was fast during the first year of the strategy period. For joint procurement, 53% of the growth target, or EUR 269 million, was already reached. We also gained new employees.
Development of joint procurement
At the end of the year, we were able to offer 74 framework agreements and 52 dynamic purchasing systems to our customers. A total of 28 small-scale procurement services was available. There were 1,007 contractual suppliers, of which 59% were SMEs.
Supporting the use of joint procurement
Procurement support is a service that ensures fluent joint procurement. The unit employs 16 specialists who ensure that our customers’ procurement processes are handled smoothly and according to the law.
Preliminary report on joint procurement developed
A comprehensive preliminary report is prepared for each new joint procurement procedure. The content, preparation process and guidelines for the preliminary report were further developed in 2023. Among other things, the number of specialists involved in the preparation of the preliminary report was increased.
Compliance refresher courses were popular
Our strategy is to maintain a high level of ethics in all our work. This requires ethics and compliance to be in the backbone of every Hansel employee. All employees participated in refresher courses in 2023.
We received increasingly positive feedback from our stakeholders
Both our customers and our contractual suppliers gave a historically high score for our operations. Customers gave us an overall score of 4.19, and suppliers 4.06, out of 5. Thank you for the positive feedback!
Security and preparedness were highlighted
Artificial intelligence and preparedness were words that were often repeated in 2023. With our customers, we made an AI assistant available to all our staff and ensured business continuity in the event of disruptions.
2023 was a lively year for events
In 2023, nearly 2,600 custo mers and suppliers attended our various events. We participated in a total of 62 events, of which eight were webinars we arranged and 48 were minicompetition clinics or information events on joint procurement matters.