We re­ceived increasingly positive feedback from our stakeholders

Hansel regularly measures customer and supplier satisfaction. Customer satisfaction has long been measured annually, and in 2023, it was decided to start monitoring supplier satisfaction every year as well. Previously, the supplier satisfaction survey was realised every two years. The surveys take place right after the turn of the year in January to assess how the previous year went.


8.5 from customers, 8 from contracted suppliers.


The average score of 4.19 out of 5 in the 2023 customer satisfaction survey was the best for the years 2014–2023, from which period comparable results are available. Customer satisfaction improved in all the areas covered.

The following were studied:

  • Service attitude
  • Activities of contact persons
  • Knowledge of the Act on Public Procurement and Concession Contracts and tendering expertise
  • Benefits and functionality of joint procurement
  • Functionality of e-services
  • Information and communication
  • Knowledge of customer requirements
  • Quality of tendering service (only for customers who have experience of the service)
  • Quality of procurement development service (only for customers who have experience of the service)

Our customers gave us the best feedback on our knowledge of the Act on Public Procurement and Concession Contracts and tendering expertise, for which we received the score of 4.56 out of 5 (4.56 in 2022). The lowest score of the studied areas, 3.80 out of 5 (3.76 in 2022), was for the knowledge of customer requirements. However, even in this area, the result improved for the fourth time in a row.

A total of 416 customers who did business with Hansel in 2023 replied to the survey. For the first time, respondents also included customers from wellbeing services counties, which were launched at the beginning of 2023.

  • The average score for all areas was 4.19 (4.15 in 2022).
  • A total of 90% of respondents gave an overall score of 3.50 or higher (85% in 2022), while
  • 5% of respondents gave an overall score of 2.99 or lower (6% in 2022).

The results of the 2023 customer satisfaction survey were discussed by the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors and reviewed at a personnel information event. The results will be utilised when planning development measures with the staff. The performance bonuses paid to Hansel employees are linked to the received customer satisfaction feedback.

Smooth cooperation with contractual suppliers

The average score of 4.06 in the 2023 supplier satisfaction survey was also the best in the years (2014–2023) during which supplier satisfaction has been monitored.

The following were studied:

  • Knowledge of the Act on Public Procurement and Concession Contracts and tendering procedures
  • Smoothness of the tendering process
  • Equality in Hansel’s operations
  • Communication about joint procurement arrangements and tendering
  • Activities of the appointed contact person
  • Knowledge of the procurement object (products and services)

According to the suppliers, our greatest strengths were the activities of appointed contact persons, for which the score was 4.35 out of 5 (4.22 in 2022), as well as the Knowledge of the Act on Public Procurement and Concession Contracts and tendering procedures, 4.31 out of 5 (4.28 in 2022). A total of 47% of respondents gave these areas the best score of 5. According to the results, the smoothness of the tendering process is clearly a development area, as the contractual suppliers gave this area a score of 3.64 (3.72 in 2022). The feedback given for knowledge of the procurement object experienced a statistically significantly improvement for the second year in a row, reaching an excellent level of 4.04 out of 5 (3.82 in 2022).

A total of 152 supplier contact persons who had done business with Hansel last year responded to the supplier satisfaction survey.

  • The average score was 4.06 (4.01 in 2022).
  • A total of 81.6% of respondents gave an overall score of 3.50 or higher (81.9% in 2022), while
  • 5.9% gave an overall score of 2.99 or lower (8.5% in 2022).

Based on the results of the 2022 supplier satisfaction survey, improvement of supplier communication was selected as the development area for 2023. During 2023, Hansel made improvements to the hansel.fi service to improve communication with suppliers, increased the frequency of the supplier newsletter Hankintaväylä to 11 times a year and arranged four highly popular information webinars for suppliers. The automation of messages to suppliers was increased, and all proposed contractual amendments were standardised for sending via hansel.fi.

The results of the 2023 customer satisfaction survey were discussed by the Executive Committee and the category managers and reviewed at a personnel information event. The results were used in the planning of the 2024 supplier cooperation development activities, which were realised with the category managers and other employees. The performance bonus paid to category managers is partly linked to the supplier satisfaction survey results.


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