Lessons for public procurement from Europe

Legal expert Jussi Ratsula and tendering con­sultant Satu Salminen graduated from the Public Procurement Excellence 2022 programme, a training program­me funded by the European Commission that was launched in 2018. The programme aims to pro­mote the special skills of public procurement specialists and to create a lasting alumni network of the parti­cipants.

It was imp­lemented by the Austrian Fe­deral Procure­ment Agency (BBG) and the Vienna University of Eco­nomics and Business (WU), which have already organised two previous rounds of training programmes in ad­dition to the program­me that started in 2022. In total, more than 90 public procurement professionals from over 20 European countries have participated in the programmes.

“The participants gain access to a comprehensive tool­kit of best prac­tice tools, templates and methodologies.”

Hansel’s senior consultant Annika Hämäläinen participated in an earlier round of the programme and was pre­sent at the closing con­ference of the 2022 training programme in March, to which alumni from previous years were also invited. Hansel’s Mana­ging Director Anssi Pihkala atten­ded a panel dis­cussion at the closing conference. The discus­sion covered the develop­ment paths of central contracting entities and the impor­tance of innovative and sustainable public procurement.

Sustainability and innovation at the core of training

The purpose of Public Procurement Excellence is to strengthen specific expertise in public pro­curement. The participants gain access to a comp­rehensive tool­kit of best practice tools, temp­lates and methodologies they can use to improve and ensure transparent and compliant processes and compe­titive and accessible markets that pro­mote the access of SMEs to the centralised public procurement market, for example. The programme’s overarching themes are the implementation of environmentally friendly procurement and the promotion of innovation –⁠ in line with the European Com­mission’s recommendations on public procurement.

The parti­cipants benefit from the long-standing market expertise in public pro­curement of the European Commission and the Austrian joint contracting entity, comp­lemented by the up-­to-date academic knowledge of the Vienna University of Economics and Busi­ness. The training program­me started with a two-week inten­sive course in Vienna in Sep­tember 2022 and ended with a one-week inten­sive course in Vien­na in March 2023. In addition to the inten­sive courses, the program­me, worth 15 cre­dits, included re­mote lectures, on­line studies and a the­sis.


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