Compliance refresher courses were popular

Hansel’s operations are based on legality, transparency and independence. To secure this foundation, Hansel launched a compliance programme in 2019. The programme aims to ensure the company’s ethical and compliant operations, prevent risks associated with unethical conduct and misconduct, and provide procedures for dealing with cases of misconduct.

Our strategy is to maintain a high level of ethics in all our work. This requires ethics and compliance to be in the backbone of every Hansel employee. We support the expertise of our specialists with comprehensive guidelines, standardised processes and continuous training.

In 2023, Hansel’s compliance team arranged compliance refresher training for all employees. We reviewed the Hansel Code of Ethics and recalled our other key guidelines on matters such as the management of disqualification, the acceptance of gifts and event attendance. We also reviewed how the employees should proceed if they notice potential misconduct and where they can find our internal whistleblowing channel under the Act on the Protection of Persons Reporting Violations of European Union and National Law (Laki Euroopan unionin ja kansallisen oikeuden rikkomisesta ilmoittavien henkilöiden suojelusta 1171/2022, or the “Whistleblower Protection Act”).

“Discussions on how compliance is reflected in everybody’s own work were the best part of the refresher courses.”

Discussions in each unit on how compliance is reflected in everybody’s own work were the best part of the refresher courses. After a little sounding, we were able to approach the matter from very different angles, as our work duties vary significantly, including the preparation of joint procurement procedures, tendering for our customers, customer and stakeholder communications, customer service, development services, financial administration, a wide range of reporting-related tasks, and the verification of information security and data protection. The discussions deepened our understanding of the different situations we encounter at work which have the potential for misconduct or otherwise unethical practices, and the importance of identifying potential risk factors and finding the right approach for each situation.

The refresher courses further reinforced the sense that things are going well in Hansel. Our specialists know right from wrong and comply with the law and guidelines in their work. We can proudly say that Hansel has a high ethical standard of procurement.


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