Person­nel indicators aid management and development

Hansel actively monitors the development of the personnel indicators, as they reveal many things that are taken into account in the management of the company and the development of its operations.

In early 2023, one concern was the high exit turnover rate. However, the situation calmed down during the second half of the year, with no further resignations after September. A total of 12 employees resigned during the year, resulting in an exit turnover rate of 9.8%. Finally, the figure only increased by around 0.4% from the previous year. Hansel’s exit turnover rate was lower than average during the pandemic years.

In 2023, we hired a total of 18 new employees, i.e. one more than in the previous year. Nearly all Hansel’s employees are hired with an employment contract that is valid until further notice. For temporary staffing needs, we primarily use temp services or make use of our own joint procurement contract. Our contractual supplier is Staffpoint Oy, through which we had five people working for us during 2023, four of them female and one male. Their work duties included customer service and assisting duties in category management.

“Our personnel club arranged popular events during the year.”

In 2023, our employees had a total of 2.6 person-years of sick leave (2.3 person-years in 2022) and used occupational healthcare services at an average cost of EUR 602 per person (EUR 526 per person in 2022). Spending on recreation continued to increase, to EUR 357 per person (EUR 264 per person in 2022). Our personnel club arranged popular events during the year: for example, more than forty people went to see the musical Once, and a summer event in Kirkkonummi and a Cha-cha-cha-themed Christmas party at Argoksenmäen holvikellari attracted around a hundred Hansel employees.

Hansel’s employees are highly educated: 90% of our employees have a degree from a university or university of applied sciences (89% in 2022), and in 2023, our employees attended an average of two days of training (three days in 2022). Female employees were slightly more active than male employees in attending training: 1.9 days (men 1.1 days).


Employees find Hansel to be a pleasant workplace

Hansel has a very high level of job satisfaction. In a survey realised by Elo Mutual Pension Insurance Company, the average total score was 3.98 on a scale of 1 to 5 (3.86 in 2022). The average score for working capacity was 8.52 on a scale of 0 to 10 (8.55 in 2022). The average score for stress level was 2.49 on a scale of 1 to 5 (2.47 in 2022). The scale is the opposite to the other questions in the case of stress level: the lower the score, the lower the stress level.

Hansel’s supervisors scored particularly well in the survey. The highest score of 4.50 was achieved for the statement “My supervisor is easy to approach” and the next highest score, 4.39, for the statement “My supervisor trusts me”. The lowest scores were given to “We dare to talk about the difficult issues” (3.27) and “We consider the impact of changes on our work together” (3.36).

While the results are great, and we can be proud of them, we are making continuous improvements to keep up the good momentum. For example, training on the feedback culture has been arranged for supervisors. It should lead to positive improvements in the results of the workplace survey statements “We dare to talk about the difficult issues” and “I receive enough feedback from my supervisor”.


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