Our stakeholders

Analysis of major stakeholders with whom Hansel regularly works

Stakeholder Expectations and requirements towards Hansel Impact on Hansel’s business Cooperation and business strategy Responsible party
Customer relations
Procurement units Affordable and high-quality acquisitions in terms of contractual terms and prices. Support for competitive tendering of both framework agreements and own procurement. Minimising risks related to purchasing and procurement. Making procurement easier for the organisation, the need for support with the development of procurement has increased. Very high Operations are based on a customer relations plan, which is drawn up annually, and wherein focus areas and major customer relationship development activities are identified. Customer relations team
Customer forum Opportunities to influence Hansel’s operations Important Regular meetings Managing director, account manager
Customer networks of the categories Opportunities to influence Hansel’s operations Important Regular meetings Category manager
Government service providers
Cooperation forum for government service providers Synergies in other operations Mutual exchange of experiences in different subareas Management forum, communication and marketing cooperation Account manager
Senate Properties Support through successful acquisitions and of the procurement development of procurement Cooperation has become deeper and more systematic Close and regular cooperation, development services Cooperation development manager, customer relations team
Government ICT Centre Valtori Support through successful acquisitions and of the procurement development of procurement High impact, important to maintain interest, key partner in the ICT sector Expert services and cooperation in accordance with the government procurement strategy: tendering expertise from Hansel, concepts for ICT services from Valtori Customer relations team, category management, ICT team
HAUS Kehittämiskeskus Oy Cooperation on training provided to Hansel’s customers. Hansel employees as instructors in procurement services. Development of the expertise of Hansel employees Planning of training Supervisors
State Treasury Support through successful acquisitions and of the procurement development of procurement Increased impact. A significant operator in the development of the government’s financial and HR administration. Cooperation projects Director of finance, chief category officer
Government Shared Services Centre for Finance and HR Palkeet Support for business through successful acquisitions and of the procurement development of procurement Continuous cooperation Cooperation projects, Handi system, central government’s AI network, technical support for Hilma Director of finance, chief category officer
Supplier relations
Contractual suppliers Profitable commercial activities with governmental organisations. Professional tendering processes coupled with non-discriminatory and fair treatment. Possibilities for additional sales. Extremely significant impact as a provider of high-quality, responsible products. Preparation of an action plan, coordination of cooperation with suppliers Category management
Other suppliers Desire for additional sales. Fair and non-discriminatory treatment, and verification of such treatment. Minor impact Communication on selection criteria, marketing of tendering processes Category management, customer relations team
Employee relations and Board of Directors
Employees A good employer, balance between work and leisure Very high Continuous measures for enhancing wellbeing at work Managing director
Hansel’s Board of Directors Well-managed, successful company High Cooperation with the Board of Directors in accordance with the Limited Liability Companies Act Managing director, employee representative
Hansel’s senior salaried employees (Hyry) Smooth cooperation between employees and the employer Very high Regular meetings Managing director
Federation of Professional and Managerial Staff (YTN) An active interpreter and developer of the collective agreement on the employer side Low impact and interest Shop steward’s participation in training events and active contacts with the shop steward Shop steward, HR manager
Service Sector Employers (PALTA) An active interpreter and developer of the collective agreement on the employer side Low impact and interest Monitoring the situation and maintaining contact as necessary Managing director
Ownership steering and legislation
Ministry of Finance/owner A well-managed, responsible and innovative company that generates savings for public administration procurement High Cooperation projects such as data security executive committee VAHTI, active expressing of views on possibilities for development and savings in procurement services Managing director, director of digital business
Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities/owner A well-managed, responsible and innovative company that generates savings for public administration procurement High Cooperation projects, active interaction Managing director
Ministry of Finance’s Public Governance Department, Corporate Services Policy Unit Management responsibility and participation in cooperation projects, views of a procurement specialist Very high Cooperation projects such as Hilma, amendments to the Act on a Limited Liability Company Called Hansel Oy Managing director, head of legal affairs, director of digital business
Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment Bringing a practical procurement perspective to legislative projects Very high Participation in working groups, discussion and information events Managing director, head of legal affairs
Business, organisations and corporate responsibility
Industry organisations Dialogue to develop joint procurement Moderate Maintenance of cooperation (through regular meetings and representatives’ inclusion in tendering processes) Category management
Non-governmental organisations Experiences and practical examples related to their industries Increasing significance as sustainability is emphasised to an increasing extent Cooperation projects Responsibility group
Confederation of Finnish Industries EK Dialogue and raising awareness about public procurement Moderate Maintenance of cooperation, meetings as necessary Managing director, head of legal affairs
Federation of Finnish Enterprises Want to especially promote the position of SMEs in Hansel’s tendering processes Moderate Closer cooperation Managing director, chief category officer, head of legal affairs
Ministry of the Environment A trailblazer of sustainable procurement High impact, varying interest (legislation, EU) Continuing with the cooperation Responsibility group
Finnish Environment Institute SYKE Partner and specialist in procurement; customer Moderate Continuing with the cooperation Responsibility group
Motiva Exchange of information to promote sustainable procurement Moderate Continuing with the cooperation Responsibility group
Finnwatch Partner and expert in responsibility matters, exchange of information to promote sustainable procurement Moderate Continuing with the cooperation Category management, sustainability team
WWF Partner and expert in responsibility matters, exchange of information to promote sustainable procurement Moderate Continuing with the cooperation Responsibility group
LOGY Network for operators in the field of procurement, promotion of public purchases Moderate Public procurement team and sustainability team, Board member Category manager, head of procurement development unit, responsibility group
Open Knowledge Finland Partner and specialist in the promotion of open information Moderate Cooperation as needed, such as the Tutkihankintoja.fi service and the availability of procurement information as open data Director of finance, director of digital business
FIBS ry Responsibility network, exchange of information Moderate Continuing with the cooperation, Board member Responsibility group, director of finance
Municipal and wellbeing services county operators
KL-Kuntahankinnat Oy An important cooperation partner in accordance with the partnership agreement on the reorganisation of the company and its ownership Important Cooperation continues as agreed Managing director
Regional joint procurement bodies Regular communication and representation of shared interests Increasing significance Continuing with the cooperation Managing director
Public Procurement Advisory Unit Regular communication and exchange of information Important Continuing with the cooperation, Hilma’s public procurement support Head of legal affairs
Wellbeing services county company Hyvil Oy Regular communication and representation of interests Increasing significance Closer cooperation Account manager
Other stakeholders
Procurement Finland (Hankinta-Suomi) Implementation of the national procurement strategy in Hansel’s services Important Regular meetings and working in a steering group and thematic groups Managing director, persons in charge of thematic groups
Procurement units in other EU member states Closer cooperation and best practices, development ideas Important Continuing with the cooperation, Nordic Network on Sustainable Supply Chain Managing director, responsibility group
European Commission Development of public procurement Increasing significance Working groups, such as eCertis and EXEP Managing director
OECD Development of public procurement Moderate impact Participation in networks Managing director
Finnish Competition and Consumer Authority (KKV) Oversight of public procurement and compliance with the Competition Act, as well as cooperation in legal matters concerning tendering Increasing significance Regular meetings Head of legal affairs
Media Access to information related to public contracts Moderate Active service: offering stories and materials Managing director, communications manager
Competence Centre for Sustainable and Innovative Public Procurement (KEINO) One of the important actors in the network Important Regular meetings Managing director
Government joint procurement coordination group Development of the content of joint procurement Important Regular meetings Chief category officer
HITKO, coordination group for data administration in the Ministry of Finance’s administrative branch Exchange of information, cooperation Moderate Regular meetings Director of digital business
Cooperation network of the security authorities Acknowledging the needs of the security authorities in Hansel’s services Important Regular meetings Customer relations team
Procurement network for specific catchment areas of university hospitals Regular communication, exchange of information and representation of interests Moderate Regular meetings Account manager