2023 was a live­ly year for events

We arranged various events to support our customers’ successful procurement with our services and to discuss their procurement requirements. In addition to our own events, we met customers at events arranged by other parties, such as the large annual Kuntamarkkinat event arranged by the Association of Finnish Municipalities.

In 2023, nearly 2,600 customers and suppliers attended our various events. We participated in a total of 62 events, of which eight were webinars we arranged, and 48 were minicompetition clinics or information events on joint procurement matters. We also participated in six different events at which we had our own stand.

Customer webinars in 2023:

  • Travelling with Hansel
  • Minikilpailutus valmiiksi askel kerrallaan (Minicompetition step by step)
  • Tehosta hankintojasi datan voimalla (Boost your procurement with data)
  • ICT day

In addition, we arranged an information session for our customers on how to join Hansel’s joint procurement procedures.

Supplier webinars in 2023:

  • Miten teen osallistumis­hakemuksen dynaamiseen hankinta­järjestelmään (Submitting a request to participate in a dynamic purchasing system)
  • Näin teet onnistuneen tarjouksen mini­kilpailutukseen (Preparing a successful bid for a minicompetition)
  • Sopimus­myynnin raportointi (Contract sales reporting)
  • Hansel.fi-verkkopalvelun käyttö (Using hansel.fi)

A total of 2,591 people attended the webinars. In addition to our own events, we met customers at our stand at the following events:

  • Sosiaali- ja terveyden­huollon ATK-päivät (Healthcare and social welfare IT event)
  • Hankinta-alan neuvottelu­päivät (Procurement sector negotiation event)
  • Hallinto-, henkilöstö- ja talous­johdon konferenssi (Administrative, HR and financial management conference)
  • Kuntamarkkinat (Municipal event)
  • Ateria 2023 (Public food service event)
  • IT Days of Higher Education Institutions

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