Personnel and organisation

On 31/12/2023, Hansel employed 132 people (128 on 31/12/2022 and 124 on 31/12/2021). The average employee input rate in 2023 was 123 person-years (119 person-years in 2022, 116 person-years in 2021). At the end of 2023, women accounted for 58 per cent of the employees and 67 per cent of the Executive Committee. The average age of employees was 44 years. At the end of the accounting period, 99 per cent of employees were permanent (99% in 2022, 99% in 2021).

Hansel’s employees are highly educated. Two per cent of employees have a doctoral degree, 57 per cent have a master’s degree, and ten per cent have a master’s degree from a university of applied sciences. Four per cent and 18 per cent have bachelor’s degrees, the latter from a university of applied sciences. Seven per cent of employees have only completed secondary education, and three per cent are without vocational qualifications. All permanent employees are included in the company’s performance bonus scheme. Regarding performance bonuses, Hansel follows the Government’s decision concerning the principle of “prosperity through responsible ownership” (8 April 2020).

In 2023, Hansel hired 18 new employees, one on a temporary contract. In 2023, 13 employees left Hansel, 12 through resignation, and one by termination during probation. Resigning employees are interviewed upon leaving the company to acquire feedback.

The employees’ well-being at work and work ability are surveyed regularly. In 2023, the average score of the well-being at work survey was 3.98 on a scale of 1 to 5 (3.86 in 2022). The Board decided to conduct the next survey in 2025. Hansel encourages its employees to develop their skills, and in 2023, Hansel employees participated in two training days on average. Regular training and discussion events are organised for supervisors regarding their supervisory duties.

Board of Directors and auditors

The following persons were chosen as the Board of Directors at Hansel’s annual general meeting on 17 April 2023:

  • Antti Neimala, Master of Laws, chair
  • Hanna Tainio, Deputy Managing Director of the Association of Finnish Municipalities, vice chair
  • Antti Koivula, Director General of the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, member
  • Antti Laakso, Head of Procurement of Aalto University, member
  • Johanna Luukkonen, Mayor of the city of Hyvinkää, member

In addition, Minna Isoherranen attended the Board’s meetings as a non-member representative elected by the personnel, holding the right to be present and speak. The Board convened eight times in 2023. The company’s auditor is KPMG Oy Ab who has appointed Authorised Public Accountant and Chartered Public Finance Auditor Mikko Luoma as the responsible auditor. The managing director of Hansel is Master of Laws Anssi Pihkala.
