Materiality assessment

Sustainability is extremely important in public procurement, and we wish to acknowledge sustainability extensively in our operations. Identifying the sustainability themes that are relevant to Hansel’s operations is the key.

We updated our 2019 materiality assessment in the autumn of 2023. From May to June, we surveyed what needed to be changed in the sustainability themes, using this information to formulate Hansel’s key sustainability themes. Preparedness and security were added as a new theme to the materiality assessment. Some themes were merged and renamed. We also interviewed representatives of Hansel’s key stakeholders and asked them which aspects of sustainability they considered most relevant to them, and which ones to Hansel’s operations. The Executive Committee reviewed and accepted the updated materiality matrix in December 2023 to be used as the basis for our work.


The diagram summarizes materiality themes that are explained in the text.


Link between Hansel’s sustainability themes and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals

Materiality theme Goal SDG
Well-functioning markets and savings Well-functioning markets and good tendering practices are an important part of our work. We are active in the supplier market and familiar with it. We want our tendering processes to attract interest, and we monitor the number of bids. Responsible consumption and production.
Good and reliable contractual suppliers We require compliance with the contractual obligations from our contractual suppliers, and we continuously monitor the situation through an automated monitoring service. Before signing contracts, we make sure that the contractual suppliers have taken care of their social responsibilities. We do not condone the shadow economy. Decent work and economic growth.Peace, justice and strong institutions.
Environmentally sustainable procurement We identify key environmental responsibility objectives in procurement and promote them. With suppliers, we monitor compliance with the requirements during the contract period. Affordable and clean energy.Responsible consumption and production.Climate action.Life on land.
Socially responsible procurement We identify key social responsibility objectives in procurement and promote them. With suppliers, we monitor compliance with the requirements during the contract period. Decent work and economic growth.Responsible consumption and production.
Ethical and compliant operations Ethical and compliant operations are the foundation of Hansel. Transparency and openness towards both customers and suppliers is one of the prerequisites for our operations. Peace, justice and strong institutions.
Fluent procurement and sharing procurement expertise We serve our customers and suppliers through a variety of channels. We value functional cooperation and regular interaction. We offer first-class digital services (procurement lifecycle service, Procurement Pulse, Procurement Radar, Procurement Pilot, Hilma, Responsible consumption and production.Partnerships for the goals.
Preparedness and security We enable the promotion of preparedness and security requirements in procurement in line with customer requirements. Responsible consumption and production.Peace, justice and strong institutions.
Prosperous work community A competent work community where the people feel well is one of the prerequisites for success. An employee of Hansel is a respected specialist in public procurement who continuously develops their competence and also shares it with their colleagues. As a company, Hansel is a desirable workplace with a working culture that supports the balance of work and leisure, as well as flexible working. Good health and well-being.Quality education.Gender equality.Reduced inequalities.

Sustainability management approach

Sustainability theme Material aspects Impact Sustainability management Indicator/monitoring
Well-functioning markets and savings Surveying the market situation, market dialogue, considering different sizes of companies;
Appropriate procurement packages, volume benefits and cost-effectiveness;
Definition and production of information to be shared with customers and suppliers, and monitoring by Hansel
Functional procurement, volume benefits in joint procurement, process cost savings Ensuring the functionality of the market and appropriate procurement packages at the preliminary report stage;
Enabling efficient use of public funds and price and process cost savings in tendering and monitoring during the contract period
Bids per tender, share of SMEs;
Number of contractual suppliers and subcontractors;
Price and volume monitoring;
Savings calculations
Good and reliable contractual suppliers Material objectives and contractual obligations (combating the shadow economy, sanctions, contractor’s obligations, prohibitions on pursuing a business, other harmful economic activities) and appropriate requirements and conditions;
Monitoring and control of contractual obligations during the contract period (incl. monitoring services, monitoring of sanctions and other contractual monitoring);
Definition and dissemination of information to customers and suppliers
Reliable contractual suppliers and active prevention of the shadow economy, white-collar crime and other harmful economic activities Identification of material contractual obligations at the preparatory stage and identification of financial responsibility objectives in the sustainability analysis;
Definition of appropriate requirements and conditions for tenders and monitoring during the contract period
Procurement contributing to the sub-objectives of financial responsibility, %;
Supplier satisfaction
Environmentally sustainable procurement Material goals (e.g. reducing greenhouse gas emissions and the use of harmful substances and non-renewable natural resources and promoting energy efficiency, the circular economy and biodiversity), as well as appropriate requirements and conditions;
Monitoring and control of the achievement of the objectives during the contract period;
Definition and dissemination of information to customers and suppliers
Reducing negative environmental impact (e.g. climate change) and promoting positive impact (e.g. the circular economy, biodiversity) in procurement Identification of material environmental targets in the sustainability analysis;
Definition of appropriate requirements and conditions for tenders and monitoring during the contract period
Procurement contributing to the sub-objectives of environmental responsibility, %
Socially responsible procurement Material goals (combating human rights violations and labour exploitation, employment through procurement, accessibility, customer participation, equality), as well as appropriate requirements and conditions;
Risk analysis, due diligence and Code of Conduct requirements;
Monitoring and control of the achievement of the objectives during the contract period;
Definition and dissemination of information to customers and suppliers
Reducing negative social impact (human rights violations and labour exploitation) and promoting positive impact (employment, accessibility, inclusion) in procurement Identification of material social responsibility goals in the sustainability analysis;
Definition of appropriate requirements and conditions for tenders and monitoring during the contract period
Procurement contributing to the sub-objectives of social responsibility, %
Ethical and compliant operations Ethical practices and requirements, openness and transparency in all operations;
Internal control of operations;
Hansel is an independent operator and complies with good governance;
Definition and dissemination of information to customers and suppliers
Ethical, compliant, open and transparent joint procurement and other practices and work processes Compliance with ethical practices and requirements and promoting openness and transparency in all operations;
Internal control of operations
Compliance monitoring and reporting;
Event and gift list
Fluent procurement and sharing procurement expertise Simplification and improvement of tendering procedures;
Providing support to customers, e.g. mini-competitions for framework agreements and dynamic purchasing systems, customer service;
Definition, production and dissemination of procurement, tendering and sustainability information to customers and monitoring it in Hansel;
Participation in national development of procurement (e.g. Hankinta-Suomi)
Smooth customer-specific tendering, expert services;
Relevant tendering, procurement and sustainability information for customers
Development and sharing of fluent and efficient tendering models with customers;
Determination, collection and publishing of relevant information for customers about material procurement and sustainability themes
Number of users and sessions in Hansel’s e-service, customer service, procurement support and tools;
Customer satisfaction
Preparedness and security Promotion of preparedness and security aspects and definition of appropriate requirements and conditions;
Monitoring and control during the contract period;
Definition and dissemination of information to customers and suppliers
Appropriate preparedness and security conditions Identification of material preparedness and security requirements at the preliminary report stage;
Definition of appropriate requirements and conditions for tenders and monitoring during the contract period
Procurement with a contingency clause and a separate security contract, %;
Data protection, security and preparedness: classification, levels 0–2
Prosperous work community Joint events, effective interaction and flow of information;
Development of employee skills (induction, internal and external training, voluntary training, job rotation, mentoring, etc.)
An appreciative and inspiring work community, skilled employees, a flexible employer that supports the development of skills, a desirable and responsible workplace Identification and implementation of HR measures to promote a value-based work community and corporate culture Personnel satisfaction;
Volume of training, person-days;
Other HR indicators


Our stakeholder analysis is annually updated. Read more about our stakeholders.
